Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Salt Of Life


The Father of Anatomy, Herophilus, once said: When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.” It is also in the same manner that I will add, real beauty comes from great health. No, I am not pertaining to the goodness of your heart (although that would count), but how well in the pink your physiological well being is. How can you bloom in full glory if your cells are all worn out?

Let me discuss this great find. I came across articles promoting the Himalayan Crystal Salt of Life. It has been a topic all over health communities and that made me wonder. You know well, fashionistas, that we are strong advocates of beauty and physical wellness that this product shall never go unnoticed!

People have branded it the primordial soup of life. This “white gold” is handpicked and naturally processed by the Earth into hydrolyzed crystals that are claimed to be “no longer water, no longer salt.” They say that it’s the materialization of sunlight that promises to nourish the body with energy that heals and sustains your health.

Now at this point, your skepticism might kick in and ask how does this differ from normal table salt? The normal table salt’s composition is 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents and iodine. Table salt is also usually forced to dry in over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit that in turn alters its chemical structure. The organic compounds are forever lost and what are left would be by-products that can be harmful to your health.  

In the contrary, the “Salt of Life” is as pure as it can be. It is uncontaminated and immaculate. Studies show that the salt from the Himalayas is the purest salt available on Earth and no toxins or pollutants have ever touched its composition. It is the marriage of the glorious sunlight and pure spring water that is almost identical to the primal sea. Your life force is said to be renewed and reborn by the 250,000,000 years worth of accumulated energy from the universe’s core.

I am captivated by the process in which the product was introduced to me. A great health is something that we all long for as it is one of the treasures that cannot be replaced. I adore how it promises to detoxify the skin by cleaning it inside and out. I love the idea that aside from normalizing the blood pressure, it also helps people to avoid kidney and gall bladder stones! I can rave on and on! It gives me such pride upon discovering this wonder.

We, fashionistas, are not just for beautiful clothing as the real beauty is not solely defined by exquisite taste in fabric. We must at all times prioritize our bodies. We cannot expect to be gorgeous by just make-up and hair products. Our real friend is anything that nourishes our soul and body.

With  that, I am sharing you this wonder.  


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