Saturday, April 14, 2012

Organic Unpasteurized Honey Facial Scrub & Mask

Honey & Sugar Exfoliant & Honey Mask

Oooh Fashionistas ......

I have discovered yet another amazing secret for beautiful skin., thanks to the most #1 incredible find on Vancouver Island

YES, I see a difference in my skin... (I have to thank for this information)

Im sitting here with my favorite towel wrapped around my body writing this blog, delicious, yummy honey is smothered all over my face, neck and chest. Just had to express my excitement about the difference I see in my skin, this is the third time using both the Honey sugar Scrub & then the honey mask,
Honest fashionistas, my skin is loving this. Slightly chapped lips are gone.
HONEY attracts and keeps moisture inside your skin where it belongs, you skin becomes supple, elastic and silky soft. Honey has anti-oxidant properties ~ protecting your skin against damage from UV (ultraviolet) sunlight.
the darker the honey is the stronger the anti-oxidant effect.

Regular white sugar mixed with organic unpasteurized honey to create a pasty exfoliant.
Love yourselves and pamper yourselves twice a week, or more. Exfoliate, your skin will love having the dead skin cells removed from the surface of you radiant skin. Sometimes when we feel dull ~ a little love and exfoliation and a hydrating mask will add a twist of vibrancy to the day.


Simplistically simple instructions:
Fashionistas, the best time to exfoliate is in the morning. Apparently, our skin repairs itself at night therefore the morning is the best time to exfoliate.
Exfoliate once or twice a week.
I pre- make my scrub in a small beat jar. I take two spoonfuls of honey and 1.5 spoons of white sugar, Mix it up till it forms a paste. Fifteen minutes before a hot bath or a shower, apply the scrub, let it soak into your skin for a few minutes ~
Softly pat the sugar honey paste onto your face ~ neck and chest, gently rub it in circular motions all around to exfoliate.
Gentile ... with a touch like a butterfly, careful not too over-exfoliate or tear at the skin.
Rub in a circular motion for 30 seconds.
With a soft facecloth, carefully rub it off your face with a Luke warm cloth. Rinse off with lukewarm -- never hot -- water

Start with your face..Then do your hands and work your way to the feet.... (oh fashionistas, it feels magnificent )


Ooooh... and keep small beat jars with a few heaping spoons of the unpasteurized organic honey beside the Mask pot for easy application. .

A spoonful of yummy organic unpasteurized honey and gently rub on and all over your face / neck and chest. Let it sit 30 min.. You can even ever so softly pat it under your eyes and on your eyelids. Lounge for 30 min while hydrating your youthful skin.
Tip: since my lips sometimes get a bit dry, smoother the honey all over your lips to, not only is it delicious, it moistens them.

Start with your face..Then do your hands and work your way to the feet.... (oh fashionistas, it feels magnificent after the exfoliation and especially after the honey mask... )
Allow the honey mask to sit on your skin for about 30 min and carefully rub it off your face with a Luke warm cloth. Rinse off with lukewarm -- never hot – water...

If you want beautiful shiny youthful clear skin, rotate this with the glacier organic clay mask.
(Mentioned in my blogg earlier this month).

Yumm.. just try it !
Promise... Next blog Ill give you some amazing fashion tips.
Love Nikki

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